Monday, June 09, 2014

Solved Paper | UPHJS Pre 2012 | Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service (Preliminary) Examination- 2012

Uttar Pradesh Higher Judicial Service (Preliminary) Examination- 2012

Question Number: 31-40

31. Which of the following is not an essential requisite for creating a partnership as per Section 4 of the Partnership Act?
(A) An agreement to carry on a business
(B) Sharing of profits
(C) Sharing of losses
(D) Business to be carried by all or any of them acting for all.

Ans. (C)

32. In case of adoption of a son by a Hindu male, the son must be-
(A) less than twenty one years of age
(B) less than eighteen years of age
(C) less than fifteen years of age
(D) less than nine years of age.

Ans. (C)

33. Adoption is not recognized under the-
(A) Muhammadan law
(B) Parsi law
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B).

Ans. (C)

34. Parties by their consent/ agreement-
(A) can confer jurisdiction on a court where there is none in law
(B) can oust the jurisdiction of a court when there is one in law
(C) can oust the jurisdiction of one of the courts when there are two courts having simultaneous jurisdiction in law
(D) All the above.

Ans. (C)

35. A pleader has a duty to inform the court about the death of parties under-
(A) Order 22 Rule 1 C.P.C.
(B) Order 22 Rule 4 C.RC.
(C) Order 22 Rule 8 C.P.C.
(D) Order 22 Rule 1OA C.P.C.

Ans. (D)

36. Which is correct?
(A) Proposal+acceptance = promise
(B) Promise+ consideration = agreement
(C) agreement+enforceability = contract
(D) All the above.

Ans. (D)

37. A contract which is valid initially however, ceases to be enforceable subsequently, the contract-
(A) remains valid
(B) becomes voidable when it ceases to be enforceable
(C) becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable
(D) becomes void since inception.

Ans. (C)

38. ‘A’ transfers property to ‘B’ for life and after his death to ‘C, and ‘D’, equally to be divided between them or to the survivors of them. ‘C’ dies during the life time of ‘B’. ‘D’ survives ‘B’. At B’s death the property-
(A) shall pass to D
(B) shall pass to D and survivors of C
(C) the transfer becomes void at the death of C during B’s lifetime
(D) None of the above.

Ans. (A)

39. A settlement made to defeat and defraud creditors is voidable under which section of the Transfer of Property Act?
(A) Section 52
(B) Section 53
(C) Section 54
(D) Section 55.

Ans. (B)

40. Section 28 of the Indian Contract Act declares as void agreement-
(A) in restraint of marriage
(B) in restraint of legal proceedings
(C) in restraint of trade
(D) None of the above.

Ans. (B)

DISCLAIMER: The answers provided here are for views purposes only. For any accuracy it should be double checked. Read More...  

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