कार्यालय जिला मजिस्ट्रेट, सुल्तानपुर सहायक जिला शासकीय अधिवक्ता और नामिका अधिवक्ता की रिक्तियां सहायक जिला शासकीय अधिवक्ता (फौजदारी): 02 पद सहायक जिला शासकीय अधिवक्ता (राजस्व): 01 पद नामिका अधिवक्ता (फौजदारी): 03 पद नामिका अधिवक्ता (दीवानी): 03 पद आयु सीमा: अधिकतम 60 वर्ष पात्रताएं: सहायक जिला शासकीय अधिवक्ता के पदों के...
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Union Public Service Commission has notified the following legal vacancy:Advertisement No.: 16/2020Vacancy No.: 20121601212 Name of Post: Assistant Legal AdvisorNo. of Posts: 02Pay-Scale: Level-11 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC.plus special Incentive allowance@ 20% of Basic Pay.. Age limit: Not exceeding 40 years...
Union Public Service Commission has notified the following legal vacancy: Advertisement No.: 16/2020 Vacancy No.: 20121603212 Name of Post: Public Prosecutor No. of Posts: 10 Pay-Scale: Level-10 in the Pay Matrix as Per 7th CPC plus Special Security Allowance @20% of Basic Pay+ admissible Dress Allowance per month...
Friday, October 23, 2020
JAG ENTRY SCHEME 26th COURSE (APR 2021) Applications are invited from the UNMARRIED male and female LAW GRADUATES for Grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army for Judge Advocate General Branch.Name of Post: Judge Advocate General BranchNo. of Posts: Men - 05,Women - 03 Age Limit: 21 to 27 years...
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
All India Bar Examination XV | New Schedule[Notification No: AIBE/WS/185 (20th Oct, 2020)] New
schedule of AIBE-XV has been decided. Candidates who are aspirants of
AIBE-XV, should go through the new schedule. The New Schedule is as
follows: Online registration began from: 16th May, 2020 Bank payment through...
Sunday, September 06, 2020
SyllabusAll India Bar Examination (AIBE)- XV&nb...
Friday, September 04, 2020
All India Bar Examination XV | New ScheduleNew schedule of AIBE-XV has been decided. Candidates who are aspirants of AIBE-XV, should go through the new schedule. The New Schedule is as follows: Online registration begins from: 16th May, 2020 Bank payment through challan starts from: 16th May, 2020Online registration...